Still frame / Still life – June 1

Last year I decided to photo document the first day of each month. This way you and I could see how life changed and how life stayed the same here in Sudan. Well, as things go, this little project of mine dropped to the wayside. Until yesterday!

Wednesday, June 1st started out like most days – waking up early to an alternative bug-infested universe. Bugs love the night and come out in full force. If you wake up too early, you infiltrate their world. This is what happened to me on Wednesday. After I lit the stove to boil water and Joel turned on the short-wave radio we were able to take control of our little area of the compound scaring some of the bugs away.

Our little place is located in the corner of the compound – where the door is open. We inhabit two rooms and one hallway. Behind our place is a school where the students were busy studying for their last day of exams. The rainy season also means that more people are moving in and out of the town, as you can see this family doing – also behind our place.

After our UN neighbours left for work fellow MCCer, Kaitlyn, came for coffee. Joel topped off our water supply from the compound washing room. I went to participate in a discussion group that was part of Ten Steps to Unity – we talked about “Option for the Poor”. Joel went to exchange some money for a workshop project we are helping to coordinate. We also did some office work in the morning.

At lunch we found friend Jano near our place and invited him over for some soup. He made some calls looking for diesel for us, but to no avail. Then, because we are in Sudan and it is hot in the afternoon, we had a bit of a meddach-shlope (a Low German afternoon nap). Since we are trying to save diesel and since all the MCCers in Rumbek share the car we are having more sleepovers lately to cut down on our driving. Kaitlyn set up her sleepover bed.

After some more office work in the afternoon we came back to our compound to find it bustling with activity. The pre-seminarians, who are also living in the compound, were playing volleyball with some friends. The children were rummaging through the garbage pile. Once the children saw me they needed to show off their finds. And then they needed me to take pictures of them. Of course.

In the evening we went out for pizza with our good friends. It was amazing pizza and we got some free pie too.

2 comments on “Still frame / Still life – June 1

  1. […] to revisit Still frame / Still life from the past year? Go here, here, here, here, and here. LD_AddCustomAttr("AdOpt", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Origin", "other"); […]

  2. […] to revisit Still frame / Still life from the past year? Go here, here, here, here, and here. GA_googleAddAttr("AdOpt", "1"); GA_googleAddAttr("Origin", "other"); […]

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